How To Stop Self Sabotaging Yourself As A Christian Woman

No one would purposefully self-sabotage themselves from achieving and getting the things they've prayed for and longed for, right?

Well, so I thought!

Could it be that many of us are self-sabotaging ourselves without even knowing that is what we're doing?

The signs of self-sabotage aren't as apparent as other behaviors, so it goes unnoticed, unfortunately.

So, Aundra, I'm reading what you're saying but, what is self-sabotage?

And how do you stop self-sabotaging yourself?


Self-sabotage is defined as behavior that is said to be self-sabotaging when it creates problems in daily life and interferes with long-standing goals.

Does that sound like you? 

Are you creating problems to prohibit you from achieving your life long goal (s)? 

It's okay to be vulnerable. This is your haven to be open and honest and ask yourself.

But, here are a few ways you could be self-sabotaging through:


1. Fear- fear of not being adequate! Fear of failing!

2. Low self-worth- not feeling like anything good could happen to themselves, talking themselves out of love, happiness, success, wealth, creating false narratives that haven't arrived! 

3. Do not trust yourself- you've made poor decisions in the past, and you're not allowing that to dictate your future!


If you're silently nodding your head saying "yes," I have allowed fear, low self-esteem, and past actions to determine my future here is how you can stop self-sabotaging yourself.


1. Deal with the root and not the symptom!

Self-sabotage is a symptom of underline pain or hurt.

Use this time to reflect and ask yourself those tough questions!

Here are some self-sabotaging questions you could reflect and journal on. These questions have helped me to pinpoint self-destructive behavior patterns that I have.


But here is a three simple processing methods I use.

1. Reveal-The underline pain. What wound/thought have you carried around that need to purge from your heart?

2. Reflect-How you're no longer carrying around that mindset of being self-destructive.

3. Heal-From whatever is bothering you!

Super easy to incorporate into your daily life!



2. Implement a self-improvement & affirmations routine

Self-sabotage is a behavioral matter, which is how you act and treat yourself.

So when trying to stop self-sabotaging yourself, you want to change your patterns and include a new routine ritual.

Apply a self-improvement routine, which will help you increase your self-worth.

Which isn't the worst idea, right?

We all need some extra TLC towards ourselves and using affirmations and speaking to your inner woman to help reaffirm yourself isn't bad!

It's needed!

How does your self betterment routine look?

If you’re struggling with knowing what to rid your life form to become better and have fantastic confidence, here are seven toxic lifestyle choices to purge from your life.


3. Believe you can and that you will!

Have faith that you can touch the unprecedented, you've made some not so great decisions in your life (who hasn't), and now you're talking yourself out of success and wealth!

Believe that you can do it and that you will do it!

Whatever that "thing" is in your life that you're striving towards, believe that you can do it!

You got this!

Don't count yourself out of happiness and prosperity! You deserve it! And it is your time to shine.

Grab the "Visualizing Your True Inner Wealth" workbook for >> click here

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