Lifted By Grace. High Level illumination!

A 1 day live event of fasting and prayer for women ready to come into the presence of God and find shelter, guidance, faith, financial breakthrough, deliverance, and healing under the wings of the almighty God.

High-Level Visibility & Spiritual Growth: This is your illumination season!

It's time for you to experience God's light to illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with the light and hope of recognizing and accepting God's word as true and authority over your life and destiny. No longer shall you walk in spiritual blindness but it’s time to come into the light!

Who Is Revival Night For?

  • Desire a deeper intimacy with God through corporate prayer and fellowship

  • Ready to yield and surrender to the plan God has for you and walk in complete healing, freedom, and restoration

  • Want to boldly decree and declare audacious, supernatural miracles in your life and SEE the manifestation of God’s power move

  • Want to leave the room equipped with knowing how to walk in your new identity through the finished work of Jesus

Hi I’m Aundra Williams- The Founder Of Her Revived

Aundra Williams is an ordained and licensed minister and prophet located in Los Angeles, California.

Aundra’s mission is to teach other Christian women how to access their birthright freedom, identity, and purpose to pursue the call upon their life audaciously. 

Combining her love for helping other women in ministry, she’s wildly obsessed with helping women tap into their spiritual gifts to bring forth their business irresistible factors and different ways to monetize their business. Through her social media presence, she strives daily to teach biblical applications in the industry through her successful online coaching programs, courses, and free resources.

Aundra is paving the way for other women to radically see freedom, healing, and deliverance through the lens of a woman revived. 

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