About Her Revived

Her Revived Co is a prophetic healing and deliverance ministry led by Minister & Prophetess Aundra Williams.

Her Revived is dedicated to bringing women closer to Jesus by dismantling wounds and trauma that have kept them on the outskirts of God's presence. We stand firmly on the principle of allowing women to encounter God by developing a stronger relationship with God and pushing aside the lies planted over them. 

Our goal is to help you experience freedom, not just from the perspective of others but from the perspective of a revived woman. Through our diverse range of community, online, and in-person events and challenges, we're creating a nurturing environment where you can witness redemption and restoration in your life. 

Our Beliefs 

Her Revived Co is a nonprofit Christian organization that specializes in healing, deliverance, and Bible teaching. We’re committed to advancing sound and biblical doctrine through the exhortation of the Gospel and the Holy Trinity ( God, The Father, and the Holy Spirit).

What We Believe



The Holy Spirit
The Godhead 







Gods Love

Demons And Angels


About The Founder

Aundra Williams is an ordained and licensed minister and prophet located in Los Angeles, California.

Aundra’s mission is to teach other Christian women how to access their birthright freedom, identity, and purpose to pursue the call upon their life audaciously. 

Combining her love for helping other women in ministry, she’s wildly obsessed with helping women tap into their spiritual gifts to bring forth their business irresistible factors and different ways to monetize their business. Through her social media presence, she strives daily to teach biblical applications in the industry through her successful online coaching programs, courses, and free resources.

Aundra is paving the way for other women to radically see freedom, healing, and deliverance through the lens of a woman revived. 

  • Aundra Williams


    Aundra is the Founder of Her Revived Co. a ministry and online community that was built to help women experience restoration , Aundra hosts retreats, conferences, online events, podcasts, videos and more.

  • Shakea Bonner


    Shakes Bonner is the mother of two beautiful children. Shakea is passionately in love with helping women and children through outreach missions and community drives. She is skillfully talented in mathematics and business accounting. Her personality is as bright as the sun and once you meet her, you will immediately fall in love with her.

  • Rebecka Coleman

    Membership Admin & Assistant