Equipping Women To Bravely Accept Their New Identity As A Woman Revived through The Finished Work Of Jesus

No longer shall you live your life looking from the outskirts of God's healing presence; it's your season to start living fearlessly because of the finished work of Jesus.

Plug Into Our Free Resources, Podcast, Devos and More!

Ready To Learn How To Study The Bible Properly

Silencing Your Thoughts To Hear Gods Voice

Unleashing Your Fervent Prayers

Controlling Your Sexual Desires…

Creating A Heart Of Purity

The decision to stay sexually pure before marriage may be easier said than done.

Especially if you're like me, someone who has already been sexually active before marriage.

You may be in a place where you're wrestling silently, trying to honor God with your body and with your thoughts, but it's challenging.

For many years I wrestled with wondering, is it even possible to remain sexually pure? All we see every day is "SEX." It is plastered everywhere!


Her Revived Podcast With Aundra Williams

The #1 Podcast Where You Can Binge // Faith, Lifestyle And Business Ownership

If you’re ready to breathe outside of the confinement of limitation and rediscover your potential through the lens of being restored you’ll want to dive into our recent episodes

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  • HerCommunity

    Its a pleasure to follow you, I love your heart and how passionate you are to tell your followers about HIM. Also, I thank you for following me and connecting with me. It’s a reminder that I’m not the only one actively chasing after God.

  • HerCommunity

    I really began to seek God and I just wanted to thank you for helping me and here when I needed someone to talk to. I thank you for that extra push.

  • HerCommmunity

    I thank you for being here, I am a pretty closed off person. I am pretty inward and not even my deepest friends know much about me But yet I am opening up to you. I thank you.

Welcome, I’m Aundra The Founder of HerRevived Community

Her Revived is dedicated to bringing women closer to Jesus by dismantling wounds and trauma that have kept you on the outskirts of God's presence. We stand firmly upon allowing women to encounter God by developing a stronger relationship with God and pushing aside the lies planted over them. It's our goal to allow you to see freedom, not from the perceptive of others but from the perspective of a woman revived. Healing and freedom are available to you, and through Her Revived, you'll find that plus more.