15 Simple Self Care Ideas For Tough Days

If you're anything like us (here at Her Revied), you've had those days and weeks where it's so hard to shake the mood that you're in.

You're pleading to God for strength to make it through the day.

Where your toenail polished is chipped, and all you want to do is face plant in the bed because not only are you walking in your god-given assignment, but you're carrying the daily task on your shoulder.

Thoughts are rampant, and it's hard to see the truth because all you're surrounded by are things contradictory to what God has promised you.

Hey! It's no shame in my game. Our mission here at Her Revived is to help you understand how to walk as a woman revived, and one of the things included is listening to your body when God is calling you to rest and unplug. We've been programmed to think we need to be God's strongest soldier, but every soldier has a time when they're allowed to rest and regain perspective.

So don't feel embarrassed if you need to rest and do self-care to revive your spirit.

15 Simple Self-Care Ideas For Tough Days


1. Schedule alone uninterrupted time with God and pour out your heart. Tell him what's bothering you, what's making you overwhelmed or stressed? After you speak, sit and allow God to speak!

2. Journal: Whenever I am having a tough day, I always journal, whether in my notes on my phone or in an actual journal. I journal everything.

When journaling, sit with your feet on the floor, listen to background noise, and write. This helps you to relax. Always try to loosen up your shoulders and breathe while you're writing.⠀

3. Mediate Upon God: "Jesus, I ask for your peace," "Jesus, lead me beside quiet streams of water and restore my soul." ⠀

4. Rest & Unplug: I love taking naps! Sleeping does wonders! 

Pull away from social media and the world's chaos, unplug and love yourself.

5. Recite Your Favorite Bible Scriptures: Here is my favorite Bible Scripture to recite about tough times: Psalm 46:1

 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

6. Play Worship instrumentals or relaxing instrumentals

7. Take a bubble bath

8. Watch your favorite Netflix movie/show: If you're a fan of the show "The Office," comment below. Which is your favorite character in the show? I love Dwight, lol.

9. Speak Affirmations: I have 25 affirmations to recite daily or even hourly :) Click here

10. Facials: Every Sunday is my designated Self Care day. I buy a pack of 5-10 facial sheets from Walmart or Ulta.

11. Indulge in self-love: I have 23 simple ways to practice self-love using journal prompts. Click here.

12. Get fresh air: Find your nearest park and quickly scroll through the trail.

13. Watch sermons on YouTube or Podcast: My favorite Pastor is Sarah Jakes Roberts; her messages are uplifting and encouraging.

14. Treat yourself: I love going to the movies solo. It's like the perfect self-date night for me! Comment below your favorite solo date night.

15. Declutter your mind with Mind Dumping: Mind dumping helps me to focus without feeling weighed down by having an overactive I system due to childhood trauma.

You could either journal what you're dumping or verbally speak about what you're releasing from your heart and mind.


 Thank you for reading my 15 simple self-care ideas for tough days!



 Comment below your self-care ideas for tough days.

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Free Resource: Silencing Your Thoughts To Hear Gods Voice

How to hear God's voice clearly ( mastering silencing your thoughts to amplify God's voice within your life.

 What's Inside:

  • Four overlooked ways to hear God's voice ( silencing your thoughts) 

  • Five ways to implement this technique ( Bible verses included)


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