How To Come Out Of Your Hiding Season

Before moving across the country to a new state, the Lord had me in a three-year hidden state, where I was developing my relationship with Christ and learning how to stand as a woman revived through the finished work of Jesus. 

This experience was similar to David's when God called for him to enter the depths of the meadows, where he learned how to wait in God for his next move and when it would be time for his departure from the meadows.

1 Samuel 19:2 Jonathan instructed David to go deep into the grass where my father Saul, who intends to kill you, will not have access to you, and the only way you'll know it safe to leave is when I come to get you [ paraphrasing].

The gift of obscurity is God's way of calling us to himself and teaching us how to stand.

 But what happens when God takes you through the meadows, a place of deep obscurity to now, commanding you to take your rightful position and learn how to openly walk by faith and not by sight into your promise?

After leaving my hidden state, God moved me across the world, and it required me to leave this space of isolation, but fear, doubt, and insecurities crept in on whether I was ready or worthy to be used by God, let alone operate in my purpose.

Does that sound like you also?

Here's the truth...

God has commanded us to leave the space of deep obscurity, to be filled with fearlessness in using our voices and gifts, and to step out to make disciples and spread the word of God.

 In this blog, you will learn how to step out of your season of hiding into a space of visibility to reign in your purpose, calling, and assignment.

  1. Honoring The Hiding Space As A Preparation For A Deeper Yield

Undoubtedly, God calls us to be holy and perfect, as it is written in Matthew 5:48. However, to attain perfection, we must strive to walk in purity, obedience, surrender, and holiness.

I have learned that God isn't seeking us to do everything "right." Rather, He desires that we come out of our hiding places with a mindset of surrender, purity, obedience, and holiness, which is precisely why the hiding space was created.

We must learn to submit to God. However, if we leave this place of obscurity without allowing ourselves enough room for growth, we might think we are not good enough to be used by God, as we are not 100% perfect in every aspect of our lives.

Your hiding space is a preparation, a training ground for a much bigger stage, and we must embrace growth and become.

Related Article: 4 things to do to find your purpose in life

Related Article: 7 Ways To Become Content With Your Life

2. God has a plan for your life, and nothing is wasted with God.

Instead of thinking you missed your moment to be used by God, pray and reaffirm, saying to God, "I'm just where you want me because I'm finally giving a fully surrendered yes, not a conditional one."

You're finally giving God a fully surrendered yes even when your trauma says hide.

You're finally giving God a fully surrendered yes, even when your insecurities and mental negative talk try to be louder than God's voice.

You're finally giving God a fully surrendered yes, even when you have no idea where the provision will come from to do what God has called you to do.

You're finally giving God a fully surrendered yes, even though, in the past, you allowed disappointment and discouragement to steal your faith, joy, and peace.

You're finally giving God a fully surrendered yes even though you feel slightly" inadequate or unprepared" to be used to a higher call.

You're finally giving God a fully surrendered yes, even when you don't know where to begin. You trust that God will guide you and reveal clarity and meaning about your purpose, plan, and assignment.

You're finally giving God a fully surrendered yes, even when you feel at the edge of breakthrough and miracle, but things happen, and the promises drift further into the distance.

You're finally giving God a fully surrendered yes because you believe God is a redeemer of time, possession, and opportunities.

You're right where God wants you because your yes is that "you're in agreement with God" and will "yield" to his timeline, power, might, wisdom, understanding, and not yours.

3. Connect inside a community.

This journey is not meant to be walked alone; truthfully, it shouldn't be. One of the greatest tools was community and the power of intercession, accountability, and sisterhood. God has such an amazing plan and purpose ahead of you, and the enemy's pleasure is to destroy the work of God in your life.

As David needed Johnathan to help him walk in the space of obscenity, he also needed Jonathan to help him leave the space of obscurity.

We've opened the doors to our free group to help you walk as a woman revived through the power of God and the community's prayers.

Whether you're at the beginning stages or God is shifting your season, we aim to be there for you as you navigate this space.

Are you in?

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