3 ways to overcome feeling unworthy

Do you struggle with feeling unworthy? 

 Feeling undeserving of healing, love or possibly the blessings of God. If so, it’s okay to be vulnerable at this moment. It’s okay to release the pressure, the guilt and shame. 

When God placed the idea of creating Her Revived, I thought to myself who am I to speak to women about healing, accepting that God has a plan for them that would exceed their wildest imagination. 

Within that moment God allowed me to come face to face with my own insecurities and my feelings of  unworthiness . And how it stopped me from creating a space where women could gather together and dismantle rejection, abuse or brokenness.

The feeling of unworthiness keeps you from living a life purpose where you can thrive in the security of God.

In today's post I want to speak to the insecurities you have to show you that not only are you deserving of whatever it is that God has in store for you but that you’re also deeply loved.

3 ways to overcome feeling unworthy

  1. Recognize Your Pain + Dismantling your insecurities

The belief around your unworthiness is associated with a deep rooted pain/insecurities.  

It’s imperative that as you start  to move forward  in your healing journey that you recognize your pain and not suppress it. 

Far too often we believe that if we ignore it, repress it then this feeling will go away, the thoughts will go away but in order to move forward you have to cut it off by the root by asking yourself:

a.Why do I feel unworthy?

b.What insecurities do I have about myself and my futures that make me think I am unworthy of the blessings of God?

The feeling of unworthiness keeps you locked into a vicious cycle of limiting beliefs but I challenge you to face your pain because healing and breakthrough awaits on the other side.

Read More: How To Rejoice When You’re Discouraged
Read More: 3 Ways To Manage Trauma- Including Christ Centering

2. Daily steps

We’re creators of habit and when you’re aiming to heal yourself of your wounds and scars taking daily stride instead of big scary leaps. 

That might freak out the person who’s ready, and who’s all in but to the woman who’s battling with self worth and self esteem small daily steps will pay off. 

Remember in Ecclesiastes 9:11 “ the race isn't given to the fastest it's given to the ones who can preserve until the end”. Your healing journey isn't a race, it's  small daily steps. Grant yourself grace to heal at a pace that’s best for you.

3.Build a lifeline with God

God is near to the broken hearted, your feelings of unworthy deeply mourn God because you do not see yourself the way God sees you. Gods, thoughts of you are more than the grains of sand that covers the ocean floor.

Building a life line, relationship with God will allow you to run into the safety and arms of him instead of your insecurities. God is near, God is with you. Allow yourself to be free. 

Check out Her Revived journal collection.

Still not feeling good enough? I'd love to pray for you, drop a comment below...


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