We've all had that feeling before. You know that feeling of having everything you prayed for, but yet it's still not enough.

The feeling of being on a constant hamster wheel searching for happiness and placing our hope and acceptance in things hoping that it will give you contentment.

Quite frankly, I've been there more than what I would like to recall.

And many of you guys are currently wondering, "what are some ways to become content with your life" for us to be content, we must first change our perspective on our life.

By altering our mindset, we can see things in a healthier way, which will allow us to live a more content life.

Sounds fun, right? Are you ready to pursue a content life?


  1. Eliminate the belief that your life isn't worthy

    One of the things that are hindering you from living a content life is your misplaced beliefs. You have placed your belief in the fact that everyone else life is better than yours.

    So in return, you'll start to compare and diminish what God is doing in your life right now—leaving room for jealously.

    Release any negative belief that you have about yourself - your life is just as worthy as the people you're comparing yourself up against! Renew your mindset and allow for contentment to invade your heart!

2. Stop focusing on your weakness and highlight your strengths.

We spend so much of our time comparing and tearing down ourselves, focusing solely on our weaknesses.

When searching for living a content life, what are your strengths? Discover or rediscover what makes up you; emphasize that part of your life!

3. Meditate on the word of God

My favorite scriptures to read is Philippians 4:12 " I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want." 

The writer apostle Paul writes that he has mastered contentment through whatever situation he is in, whether happy, rich, or poor.

Honestly, true satisfaction comes from the Lord.

Without him, you will forever run on that hamster wheel, trying to fill yourself up with the world's view of happiness.

 Meditate on God's word. Fill and build yourself up in him!

4. Pause. Restart. Breathe

Some of us need to pause our lives!

To breathe! Let's all breathe, shall we!

It's honestly okay if you do not have your whole life planned out; it's okay if you're still at the starting point.


And press play whenever you're ready!

5. Create a gratitude & mindfulness journal

Within your journal, write down daily gratitudes that you would like to recite or look for ways you can practice mindfulness.

Sometimes when we're comparing our lives, we forget all of the fantastic things that are happening in our lives.

All of the obstacles that God has allowed us to overcome.

I'll be the first to say that every morning I wake up, I journal what I'm thankful for to realign me.

And sometimes small exercises like this will realign us to find the beauty in our lives.

6. Include a personal growth metric

How often do you look back to where you once were and where you're now?

When including a particular growth mindset into your life, you're saying I'm not where I used to be so I can find contentment in the fact that the person I used to be is no longer present, so I will be satisfied with the person I am today!

This part gets me all excited!

I love seeing how far I've come, what about you?

7. Reflect

Reflect to see what's tearing away your contentment.

Maybe you misplaced your values; perhaps you've looked for acceptance with people who will never love or accept you the way you ought to be loved and cherished.

Use this reflection time as a way to enjoy yourself.

Now it's your turn, comment on what tip has helped you to live a content life?


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