3 Ways To Manage Trauma- Including Christ Centering

Navigating through trauma is overwhelming- its intrusive but subtle symptoms make you feel like you're drowning in a sea of mental flashbacks and insecurities.

The insecurities bring upon unwanted shame and guilt, and internally, all you want is to live a life of normalcy.

Still, every day, it is a different battle from anxiety, extreme paranoia, and depression. Discovering how to manage your trauma to find the healing you so desperately need is available to you.

In today's post, I wanted to map out four ways to manage your trauma to find the healing & safety your heart desires.

Before diving, it's imperative to understand that your cup of shame and guilt doesn't have to be full. One of the great lessons is to comprehend that God has paid the price so that you may know freedom.

You can pour out your cup and allow God to refill you with him; your cup of shame and insecurities doesn't have to be filled if you do not want it to be.

Realizing that Jesus has come to give life and life more abundantly is something to leave locked in the back of your heart and mind as you seek wholeness.

3 Ways To Manage Trauma- Including Christ Centering

  1. Thought Labeling 

    Before actions produce, it starts as a thought; before every flashback, fear, and insecurities are made, it begins as a thought. Our thoughts have a powerful effect on our daily actions. Thought labeling allows you to sift through the thoughts that come through your mind and place either as: 

    1. Truth

    2. Lie

    3. Past Event

    4. Current Event

      Labeling each thought will allow you to slow down your triggers and anxiety by calming down your nervous systems. Which will enable you to process flashbacks and broken requirements. 

2. Christ Centering To Manage Your Trauma

Christ, centering, is meditating upon the written word of God, not on the trigger. Meditating on the word of God will cover your mind by seeking the voice and security of God.

Mediating and centering yourself on the word of God will allow for the intrusive thoughts to be laid in submission to the authority and power of God.

Reciting scriptures and using that as your affirmations/declarations will enable you to stand planted throughout rough seasons of seeking healing and wholeness from God.

3. Journaling

Journaling allows you to stabilize your emotions by distracting yourself from the current pain and concentrating on placing words on a sheet of paper and or notebook.

The journaling technique requires you to feel the pen in your hand and the strokes of your hand rubbing against the paper, enabling a soothing effect to your nervous system.

Your traumatic stress doesn't have to overtake you; your road to healing and recovery is near.

Tell me- How do you manage your triggers?


5 things to do to boost your self confidence- Eliminate Your Insecurities
