When You're In a Season of feeling defeated

We’ve all been there..

We’ve all had that season where you just feel totally down and defeated.

You may wake up feeling sad. You may go to bed feeling tired. You may feel depressed and even anxious.

Your feelings are normal in fact, they’re expect. Every season within our life will not be on filled with songs of joy and laughter but, there will be some seasons where it’s a struggle to crawl yourself out of bed.

How do you navigate— Is the question?

How do you navigate when freedom and healing isn’t comfortable? When God has isolated you to grow the unknown area of you?

How do you navigate when the season of grief is overwhelming and your single years reaching the double digits?

Society screams snap out of it but, the feeling of being hard pressed from every angle is consuming and quite frankly painful.

If that is you, then you are in the right space.

Here is some encouragement, as well as some scriptures and a prayer to say when you are in a season of defeat.

When You're In a Season of feeling defeated

Encouragement for When you Feel Defeated

First you should remember, and as I mentioned before, being in a season where you feel defeated is completely normal. Not every season is going to be sunshine and lollipops and there may be times where you feel totally wiped out by life’s circumstances.

But, please remember that God is with you. He sees you and He understands the situation you are in. In fact, He has already worked out a solution for whatever problem you are facing!

Also, remember that God has a plan and a purpose for your life. Your life does not end here! God has so much more for you and you cannot even imagine it all!

Bible Verses for When you Feel Defeated

  • “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:13

  • “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” - Psalms 34:18

  • “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalms 55:22

  • “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” - Ephesians 2:10

A Prayer for when You Feel Defeated

Dear Lord,

I feel so defeated.

My heart hurts. My head hurts. And I feel so far from you.

To be honest, I feel like you forgot about me and like you left me somewhere far away.

But Lord, I KNOW that you are the only one who can help my heart at this moment. So I come to you asking that you help me more than ever before.

The Bible says that we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.

Everyday, I pray that you help me to remember that I am not crushed

I am not in despair.

I am not forsaken by you

And I am not crushed.

Remind me that I am loved by you.

Remind me that today is just today and it does not have to be forever.

Remind me that you are with me on my good days and my bad ones.

Remind me that you see me and you have plans for my life.

I love you Lord, and I know that you will comfort me.


Remember that this season in your life is just that - a season. God promised that seasons change and there is a time for every season to start and end. You can and you will make it through this tough time in your life. God will carry you through this and He will protect you and walk with you.

Just lean on Him.

Tell us- How are you navigating through this season?


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