How To Hear God’s Voice Clearly + How To Silence Your Thoughts

Desiring to hear from God is so beautiful but yet so challenging if you have no idea how to listen to Gods' voice?

Wouldn't you agree?

When I first committed by myself back to God, I desired to hear from God, but I was unsure where to start? And if I did hear this voice, how would I know that its God speaking to me?


So many questions filled my mind that I over complicated the experience.

And I know you're here because you're searching for Gods voice.

So here is your guide on how to silence your thoughts to hear from God.

One of the greatest lessons to understand when "How to silence your thoughts to hear from God" is that God is always speaking, I know you think Gods voice will appear unto you through a burning bush ( which may happen), but God is still speaking you just have to slow down to hear from Him!

God speaks at a level that's only heard through intimacy!

 How to hear God's voice- Do you currently have a relationship with the Lord?

You see, God speaks at a level that requires a relationship. God whispers because its only heard when you're close to God.

James 4:8, NIV: "Come near to God, and he will come near to you. 

You cannot hear a whisper if you're not close to the person who is whispering into your ear. The only way you will be able to hear is if you draw closer to God.

If you currently do not have a relationship with the Lord, I urge you to build one. When you draw closer to God, that will be your primary way to hear from the Lord. God speaks at a level that requires intimacy, so if you aren't hearing God, it could be because you're not close enough to the source.

Plug yourself into God!

Psalm 25:14, " The intimate counsel of the LORD is for those who fear him so they may know His covenant."

Silence your thoughts!!

How to hear God's voice- is by silencing your voice, your thoughts! Sometimes our thoughts are so loud and overpowering us that we miss that whisper of God's voice.

So practice the art of sitting in silence before the Lord after your alone time with God.

Sit in the silence. Maybe set a timer for 10 minutes, where all you're thinking about is heaven.

Focus your thoughts, your entire being on God! Pray out loud that God will silence your thoughts where the loudest voice you hear is God's voice!

Colossians 3:1-7

1 Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. 5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived.

Read your Bible + Pray

How to hear God's voice- Reading your Bible may sound obvious, but it is essential to read your Bible because God's spoken words inspire the Bible.

The more you read your Bible, the clearer the pathway to hear from God becomes, and you will be able to channel into God and listen to him speaking.

Also note that God sometimes speaks audibly but, he also speaks through our heart, so make sure that your heart is aligned up with God because if your heart isn't mirroring His heart, it will be harder to hear God.

As you read, ask God to create a new heart within you, so that you will be able to hear from him.

Psalms 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Confess and acknowledge sins that may be on your heart- these things will hinder the voice of God.

And, as you pray, remember prayer is dialogue, so as you sit and pray to allow God to speak!

Do not rush out of the prayer so fast but, sit and silence your thoughts and allow God to speak.

Remember, set a timer in silence.

God is a gentleman, and He will not cut you off in the middle of talking, so after you speak, allow God to speak!

Praying is how you will hear God! Give God the floor to speak!

God is speaking every day!!!

How to hear God's voice- the most important lessons to understand is that God is always speaking.

I know you think God's voice will appear unto you through a burning bush ( which may happen), but God is always speaking. You have to slow down to hear from Him!!!

Every day you're living is God's voice speaking through the subtlety of you existing. Slow down, enough to hear God.

One of the things that I think is remarkable is that Jesus walked everywhere, and I believe he walked to show us to slow down.

And when we slow down, we able to capture the subtlety of God's voice.

So if you're having a hard time hearing God's voice, may I suggest to slow down enough to listen to him.

Maybe that could be slow down and create that intentional time spent with God long enough to hear a response. I know life is calling but, God is calling, and he's waiting on you to come and walk with him.


 John 10: 27," My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."

Remember, hearing God's voice isn't a complicated thing! Just silence yourself and give God room to room!

God's voice is surrounding us.

All God desires of you is to create a space where His voice is welcomed.

If you're struggling and you need prayer, I am here!


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