The most beautiful accessory a girl could wear does not lie in the soles of her shoes but hides in the soul of her heart.

As Christian women in today’s society, we should deem ourselves as royalty because we’re daughters of the highest, almighty KING!

Below are some tips on how to improve your self-confidence through our Lord and Savior.




Addressing the core issue would help discover where the lack of confidence is coming from; the only way to find the core issue is by seeking God and asking Him to expose the areas of your life that need work done to it.

Those who struggle with a lack of self-confidence struggle with finding their identity. This brings me to my second point...


Finding your identity through Jesus could be tricky without establishing a relationship with him.

I suggest you get before the Lord and lay out your heart. One of my biggest setbacks was that I struggled academically , which has caused a lot of self-issues over the years.

One of the key ways to find self-confidence in Jesus is by seeking him for your purpose.

Ask God what I was designed for.

What is my purpose in life? Watch God move in your life. You need to discover who you are in Christ.

When you discover this, your entire perspective will change.

You will not need to compare yourself or your journey to others because you will find contentment in where you are at.

Your thoughts need to shift from, "I don't appreciate this part of myself" to "God created me this way for a REASON.

" I also suggest that you take a fast from technology. It is easiest to feel insecure when I am scrolling through my feed, and I see pictures and posts of beautiful girls while forgetting that they are using filters of many kinds on social media.

Instead, as you take a fast from social media, be in the word of God.

Download a Bible app onto your device and replace it with social media apps.

Whenever you consider opening up Facebook, read the book of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, or James.

Also, as you discover who you are in Christ, be open and honest with Him about your insecurities and struggles.

He adores you and never wants to see you hurting.


You must change the way you think.

It sounds simple, but in fact, it isn't easy.

With every negative thought, you must change it with a positive one.

The area I struggle with the most has the confidence to share my thoughts.

Each time that little voice in my head says, "You're dumb, you're stupid, and you aren't worthy (etc.)," I say, "I am smart in my ways, I am creative, I am thoughtful, I am enough, and the devil can't control my thoughts today because I am a daughter of the King!"

Verbalizing your insecurities may sound absurd. However, it works wonders!

You need to refute the negative voices in your head before you can experience a transformation in your self-confidence.



Educate yourself in God's creation.

Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.

As you do this, you will learn about the beauty in His perfect order- how much thought went into creating you after you were created in God's image.

The same God who paints the sunrises every morning planted the trees in the ground and took the time to make you!

It will give you a sense of gratitude for the body He created for you and how He desired your body to be the way it is!

It will take time to change the way you see yourself; it will not happen, but it can and will happen, but only with the help of our God.

Your confidence in yourself can transform your relationship with God by focusing your thoughts on Him instead of your insecurities.

Remember that the most beautiful accessory any girl can wear has nothing to do with her clothes but her self-confidence.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalms 139:13

What are some ways you're improving your confidence?

Leah Pilcher

Read more of Leah Pitcher work at


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